Showing posts with label mobile phone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile phone. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2015

“Adaptive Fast Charging” for faster charging of mobile devices

In some of my previous posts I have talked about USB power delivery 2.0 providing greater power so that mobile devices can be charged up more quickly with their USB adapters.  A key part of this is these devices are incorporating adaptive fast charging systems to accomplish faster charging. So how does this all work anyway?

Let’s first look at the way existing USB charging work, depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Legacy standard USB charging system

When the mobile device is connected to the USB adapter, the mobile device first determines what kind of USB port it is connected to and how much charging current is available that it will be able to draw in order to recharge its battery. The mobile device then proceeds to internally connect its battery up to the USB power through an internal solid state switch that regulates the charging via the device’s internal battery management. However, a major limitation here is the amount of available current and power. Today’s mobile devices are using larger batteries. Up to 4 Ah batteries are commonly used in smart phones and over 9 Ah capacity batteries are being used in tablets. Even with later updates that increased the charging current to 1.5 amps for a dedicated charging port, this is a small fraction of the charging current and power these larger batteries can handle. As one example, a 9 Ah battery having a 1C recommended maximum charging rate equates to a 9 amp charging current. This requires overnight in order to significantly recharge the battery using standard USB charging.

The shortcomings of legacy USB for battery charging purposes has been well recognized and the USB Power Delivery 2.0 specification has been released to increase the amount of power available to as much as 100 watts. This is accomplished by greater voltage, up to 20 volts, and greater current, up to 5 amps. For a mobile device incorporating this, together with an adaptive fast charging system, is able to charge its battery in much less time. This set up is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2: USB adaptive fast charging system

With adaptive fast charging, when the mobile device is connected to the USB adapter, after determining that it has compatible fast charging capabilities, it then negotiates for higher voltage and power. After the negotiation the adapter then increases its output accordingly. A key thing here is the mobile device will typically incorporate DC/DC power conversion in its battery management system. Here it will efficiently convert the adapter’s higher voltage charging power into greater charging current at a voltage level comparable to the mobile device’s battery voltage, to achieve much faster charging. Now you will be able to recharge your device over lunch instead of overnight!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Optimizing the performance of the zero-burden battery run-down test setup

Two years ago I added a post here to “Watt’s Up?” titled:  “Zero-burden ammeter improves battery run-down and charge management testing of battery-powered devices” (click here to review). In this post I talk about how our N6781A 20V, 3A 20W SMU (and now our N6785A 20V, 8A, 80W as well) can be used in a zero-burden ammeter mode to provide accurate current measurement without introducing any voltage drop. Together with the independent DVM voltage measurement input they can be used to simultaneously log the voltage and current when performing a battery run-down test on a battery powered device. This is a very useful test to perform for gaining valuable insights on evaluating and optimizing battery life. This can also be used to evaluate the charging process as well, when using rechargeable batteries. The key thing is zero-burden current measurement is critical for obtaining accurate results as impedance and corresponding voltage drop when using a current shunt influences test results. For reference the N678xA SMUs are used in either the N6705B DC Power Analyzer mainframe or N6700 series Modular Power System mainframe.
There are a few considerations for getting optimum performance when using the N678xA SMU’s in zero-burden current measurement mode. The primary one is the way the wiring is set up between the DUT, its battery, and the N678xA SMU. In Figure 1 below I rearranged the diagram depicting the setup in my original blog posting to better illustrate the actual physical setup for optimum performance.

Figure 1: Battery run-down setup for optimum performance
Note that this makes things practical from the perspective that the DUT and its battery do not have to be located right at the N678xA SMU.  However it is important that the DUT and battery need to be kept close together in order to minimize wiring length and associated impedance between them. Not only does the wiring contribute resistance, but its inductance can prevent operating the N678xA at a higher bandwidth setting for improved transient voltage response. The reason for this is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Load impedance seen across N678xA SMU output for battery run-down setup
The load impedance the N678xA SMU sees across its output is the summation of the series connection of the DUT’s battery input port (primarily capacitive), the battery (series resistance and capacitance), and the jumper wire between the DUT and battery (inductive). The N678xA SMUs have multiple bandwidth compensation modes. They can be operated in their default low bandwidth mode, which provides stable operation for most any load impedance condition. However to get the most optimum voltage transient response it is better to operate N678xA SMUs in one of its higher bandwidth settings. In order to operate in one of the higher bandwidth settings, the N678xA SMUs need to see primarily capacitive loading across its remote sense point for fast and stable operation. This means the jumper wire between the DUT and battery must be kept short to minimize its inductance. Often this is all that is needed. If this is not enough then adding a small capacitor of around 10 microfarads, across the remote sense point, will provide sufficient capacitive loading for fast and stable operation. Additional things that should be done include:
  • Place remote sense connections as close to the DUT and battery as practical
  • Use twisted pair wiring; one pair for the force leads and a second pair for the remote sense leads, for the connections from the N678xA SMU to the DUT and its battery

By following these best practices you will get the optimum performance from your battery run-down test setup!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Updates to USB provide higher power and faster charging

For those who regularly visit our blog here are already aware I do a fair amount of work with regard to test methodologies for optimizing battery life on mobile wireless devices. One directly related topic I have been actively investigating these past few months is the battery charging aspects for these devices. Recharging the battery on these devices takes a considerable amount of time; typically a couple of hours or longer, and it’s only been getting worse. However, there has been a lot of work, activity, and even new product developments that are making dramatic improvements in recharging your devices’ batteries in less time!

The USB port has become the universal connection for providing charging power for mobile devices. When initially available a USB port could provide up to 500 mA for general power for peripheral devices. It was recognized that this was also a convenient source for charging portable devices but that more current was needed. The USB BC (battery charging) standard was established which formalized charging initially for up to 1.5 amps at 5 volts.

This higher charging current and power was alright for mobile devices of a couple of generations ago, but today’s smart phones, tablets, and phablets are using much larger and higher capacity batteries. The end result is, because USB is 5 volts its power thus limited to 7.5W, that it can take several hours to recharge a device’s battery.  This can be very inconvenient if your battery goes dead during the day!

Simply increasing the USB current is not a total answer as this has limitations. First, the micro USB connectors on mobile devices are rated for no more than about 1.8 to 2 amps. To help on this front there is the new USB Type-C cable and connector specification released last year. The new type-C micro connectors are able to handle up to 3 amps and the standard connectors able to handle up to 5 amps. Higher current alone is not quite enough. Also issued last year was the new USB Power Delivery 2.0 specification. This specifies a system capable of providing up to 20 volts and 5 amps. This is more than order of magnitude improvement in power over the existing USB power. Long charging times due to power limitations will become a thing of the past.

The new USB power delivery voltages and currents are a discrete set of levels as shown in table 1. As can be seen the levels depend on the profile/port designation.


Table 1: USB power delivery 2.0 voltage and current levels

The cables and connectors of course need to be able to handle the given level of current and power.  In review of the standard a lot of work and effort has gone into providing this new capability while maintaining compatibility with the past as well. Thus for a new mobile device to take advantage of these higher power levels, it must be capable of negotiating with the charging power port to furnish it. At the same time, if an earlier generation mobile device is connected, it will only be able to get the default USB 5 volt level.

I’m looking forward to seeing this new USB power delivery put into wide-spread use in various innovative new products. Expect to see more about this topic in future posts from me here!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Two New Keysight Source Measure Units (SMUs) for Battery Powered Device and Functional Test

Over the past few years here on “Watt’s Up?” I have posted several articles and application pieces on performing battery drain analysis for optimizing run time on mobile wireless devices. The key product we provide for this application space is the N6781A 20V, +/-3A, 20W source measure module for battery drain analysis. A second related product we offer is the N6782A 20V, +/-3A, 20W source measure module for functional test. The N6782A has a few less key features used for battery drain analysis but is otherwise the same as the N6781A. As a result the N6782A is preferred product for testing many of the components used in mobile devices, where the extra battery drain analysis features are not needed. These products are pictured in Figure 1. While at first glance they may appear the same, one thing to note is the N6781A has an extra connector which is independent voltmeter input. This is used for performing a battery run-down test, one of a number of aspects of performing battery drain analysis. Details on these two SMUs can be found on by clicking on: N6781A product page.  N6782A product page,

Figure 1: Keysight N6781A SMU for battery drain analysis and N6782A for functional test

These products have greatly helped customers through their combination of very high performance specialized sourcing and measurement capabilities tailored for addressing the unique test challenges posed by mobile wireless devices and their components. However, things have continued to evolve (don’t they always!). Today’s mobile devices, like smart phones, tablets and phablets, have an amazing amount of capabilities to address all kinds of applications. However, their power consumption has grown considerably as a result. They are now utilizing much larger batteries to support this greater power consumption in order to maintain reasonably acceptable battery run-time. Optimizing battery life continues to be a critical need when developing these products. With their higher power however, there is in turn a greater need for higher power SMUs to power them during test and development. In response we have just added two new higher power SMUs to this family; the N6785A 20V, +/-8A, 80W source measure module for battery drain analysis and the N6785A 20V, +/-8A, 80W source measure module for functional test. These products are pictured in Figure 2. Details on these two new higher power SMUs can be found on by clicking on: N6785A product page.  N6786A product page.

Figure 2: Keysight N6785A SMU for battery drain analysis and N6786A for functional test

A press release went out about these two new SMUs yesterday; Click here to view. With their greater current and power capability, customers developing and producing these advanced mobile wireless devices and their components now have a way to test them to their fullest, not being encumbered by power limitations of lower power SMUs.

This is exciting to me having been working within the industry for quite some time now, helping customers increase battery life by improving how their devices make more efficient use of the battery’s energy. A key part of this has been by using our existing solutions for battery drain analysis to provide critical insights on how their devices are making use of the battery’s energy.  There is a lot of innovation in the industry to make mobile wireless devices operate with even greater efficiency at these higher power and current levels. There is no other choice if they are going to be successful. Likewise, it is great to see continuing to play a key role in this trend in making it a success!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Using Current Drain Measurements to Optimize Battery Run-time of Mobile Devices

One power-related application area I do a great deal of work on is current drain measurements and analysis for optimizing the battery run-time of mobile devices. In the past the most of the focus has been primarily mobile phones. Currently 3G, 4G and many other wireless technologies like ZigBee continue to make major inroads, spurring a plethora of new smart phones, wireless appliances, and all kinds of ubiquitous wireless sensors and devices. Regardless of whether the device is overly power-hungry due to running data-intensive applications or power-constrained due to its ubiquitous nature, there is a need to optimize its thirst for power in order to get the most run-time from its battery. The right kind of measurements and analysis on the device’s current drain can yield a lot of insight on the device’s operation and efficiency of its activities that are useful for the designer in optimizing its battery run-time. I recently completed an article that appeared in Test & Measurement World, on-line back in November and then in print in their Dec 2011- Jan 2012 issue. Here is a link to the article:

A key factor in getting current drain measurements to yield the deeper insights that really help optimize battery run-time is the dynamic range of measurement, both in amplitude and in time, and then having the ability to analyze the details of these measurements. The need for a great dynamic range of measurement stems from the power-savings nature of today’s wireless battery powered devices. For power-savings it is much more efficient for the device to operate in short bursts of activities, getting as much done as possible in the shortest period of time, and then go into a low power idle or sleep state for an extended period of time between these bursts of activities. Of course the challenge for the designer to get his device to quickly wake up, stabilize, do its thing, and then just as quickly go back to sleep again is no small feat! As one example the current drain of a wireless temperature transmitter for its power-savings type of operation is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Wireless temperature transmitter power-savings current drain

The resulting current drain is pulsed. The amplitude scale has been increased to 20 µA/div to show details of the signal’s base. This particular device’s current drain has the following characteristics:
• Period of ~4 seconds
• Duty cycle of 0.17%
• Currents of 21.8 mA peak and 53.7 µA average for a crest factor of ~400
• Sleep current of 7 µA
This extremely wide dynamic range of amplitude is challenging to measure as it spans about 3 ½ decades. Both DC offset error and noise floors of the measurement equipment must be extremely low as to not limit needed accuracy and obscure details.

Likewise being able to examine details of the current drain during the bursts of activities provides insights about the duration and current drain level of specific operations within the burst. From this you can make determinations about efficiencies of the operations and if there is opportunity to further optimize them. As an example, in standby operation a mobile phone receives in short bursts about every 0.25 to 1 seconds to check for incoming pages and drops back into a sleep state in between the receive (RX) bursts. An expanded view of one of the RX current drain bursts is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: GPRS mobile phone RX burst details

There are a number of activities taking place during the RX burst. Having sufficient measurement bandwidth and sampling time resolution down to 10’s of µsec provides the deeper insight needed for optimizing these activities. The basic time period for the mobile phone standby operation is on the order of a second but it is usually important to look at the current drain signal over an extended period of time due to variance of activities that can occur during each of the RX bursts. Having either a very deep memory, or even better, high speed data logging, provides the dynamic range in time to get 10’s of µsec of resolution over an extended period of time, so that you can determine overall average current drain while also being able to “count the coulombs” it takes for individual, minute operations, and optimize their efficiencies.

Anticipate seeing more here in future posts about mobile wireless battery-powered devices, as it relates to the “DC” end of the spectrum. In the meantime, while you are using your smart phone or tablet and battery life isn’t quite meeting your expectation (or maybe it is!), you should also marvel at how capable and compact your device is and how far it has come along in contrast to what was the state-of-the-art 5 and 10 years ago!